Tuesday, 29 January 2013

All aboard the Technology Train

The Technology Express with another load of Awesome Robots

A few more articles to read that are leaping on board my technology theme.

Some good reading at Forbes magazine and what promises to be an excellent series of articles on Google's driverless car and its technological, social and economic impacts.

Felix Salmon recognises the value of thinking for the future and why roads could once again beat rail. This of course has extra meaning in the UK where the rather stupid HS2 is being built rather than investigating how, why or even if we will be commuting in the future. Thomas Pascoe of The Telegraph wrote an excellent piece  today on HS2 and whether it's the right way to spend the UK's limited funds. I would counter everything about HS2 with the question, 'Have you heard of Skype?'

Lastly, Michael Baxter of the Share Centre boards our technology express with a nice piece on IBM, still one of the world's biggest corporations and still over-achieving with new technology.

We're on to something here. Just need to find the right investment vehicle to get involved with.

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