Saturday 6 September 2014

Portfolio - Half-Year Review 2014

Tiny bit late reviewing the portfolio as it's now September and not July 1st... oh well, that's the passive side of investing slowly winning over I guess.

Anyway, logged into i-Web this morning and ran a few reports to see what activity I'd made in the Team Dave Fund of Fun-ness portfolio in the first half of 2014.

So the fund is up 10.8% in the first half of the year. Which is good and pleasing but how did the overall world sharemarket do as our benchmark?

The ishares World Index ETF (the only world tracker I can find with reliable long term figures) has a performance of 5.16% for the first six months of the year.  So we're up on that. Positive stuff.

Here's the activity from the first six months:

Sold Monitise in Jan - it's going nowhere, keeps diluting shares, but a decent gain and profit from them. Since dropped back a lot.
Replaced with SPDR Emerging Markets ETF.
Finally sold RBS in Jan - after a decent rally up to 380 I thought it time to end the folly of it. Getting rid of it was like a huge weight coming off your shoulders. It's done nothing since, its 'profits' are 90% lies and I feel better for no longer supporting them.
Sold COMS in Feb - for an excellent doubling of money.
Put that COMS money into HSBC as it dipped under 600p - I like the quarterly dividends. Neil Woodford has since dumped his stake. Worrying.
Bought TESCO in Feb - mistake.
Bought Middlefield Canadian MCT in Mar - nice timing.
Sold Blackrock Emerging Markets Track which had been replaced by the SPDR one.
Bought Infinis Energy in March - poor timing. Since dropped 10%.
Sold L&G Technology Tracker - no idea why now. It made decent money though.

Far too much activity by the looks of things. However, what I've learned is that decent timing gets great results. The holdings in Monitise and Coms were superb earners. More money gained than years of passive investing. Buying on dips in massive companies has been semi-successful too with HSBC in particular being a decent effort on timing.

It seems the maxim of Mr Buffet is true - buy great companies at a fair price.

In all a good 6 months. Where's the next bit of out-performance going to come from though?

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